# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Python 富文本XSS过滤类 @package XssHtml @version 0.1 @link http://phith0n.github.io/python-xss-filter @since 20150407 @copyright (c) Phithon All Rights Reserved Based on native Python module HTMLParser purifier of HTML, To Clear all javascript in html You can use it in all python web framework Written by Phithon in 2015 and placed in the public domain. phithon 编写于20150407 From: XDSEC & 离别歌 GitHub Pages: https://github.com/phith0n/python-xss-filter Usage: parser = XssHtml() parser.feed('') parser.close() html = parser.getHtml() print html Requirements Python 2.6+ or 3.2+ Cannot defense xss in browser which is belowed IE7 浏览器版本:IE7+ 或其他浏览器,无法防御IE6及以下版本浏览器中的XSS """ import re import copy from html.parser import HTMLParser class XssHtml(HTMLParser): allow_tags = ['a', 'img', 'br', 'strong', 'b', 'code', 'pre', 'p', 'div', 'em', 'span', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'ul', 'ol', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'hr', 'li', 'u', 'embed', 's', 'table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'caption', 'small', 'q', 'sup', 'sub', 'font'] common_attrs = ["style", "class", "name"] nonend_tags = ["img", "hr", "br", "embed"] tags_own_attrs = { "img": ["src", "width", "height", "alt", "align"], "a": ["href", "target", "rel", "title"], "embed": ["src", "width", "height", "type", "allowfullscreen", "loop", "play", "wmode", "menu"], "table": ["border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing"], "font": ["color"] } def __init__(self, allows=[]): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.allow_tags = allows if allows else self.allow_tags self.result = [] self.start = [] self.data = [] def getHtml(self): """ Get the safe html code """ for i in range(0, len(self.result)): if self.result[i].strip('\n'): self.data.append(self.result[i]) return ''.join(self.data) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.handle_starttag(tag, attrs) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag not in self.allow_tags: return end_diagonal = ' /' if tag in self.nonend_tags else '' if not end_diagonal: self.start.append(tag) attdict = {} for attr in attrs: attdict[attr[0]] = attr[1] attdict = self._wash_attr(attdict, tag) if hasattr(self, "node_%s" % tag): attdict = getattr(self, "node_%s" % tag)(attdict) else: attdict = self.node_default(attdict) attrs = [] for (key, value) in attdict.items(): attrs.append('%s="%s"' % (key, self._htmlspecialchars(value))) attrs = (' ' + ' '.join(attrs)) if attrs else '' self.result.append('<' + tag + attrs + end_diagonal + '>') def handle_endtag(self, tag): if self.start and tag == self.start[len(self.start) - 1]: self.result.append('') self.start.pop() def handle_data(self, data): self.result.append(self._htmlspecialchars(data)) def handle_entityref(self, name): if name.isalpha(): self.result.append("&%s;" % name) def handle_charref(self, name): if name.isdigit(): self.result.append("&#%s;" % name) def node_default(self, attrs): attrs = self._common_attr(attrs) return attrs def node_a(self, attrs): attrs = self._common_attr(attrs) attrs = self._get_link(attrs, "href") attrs = self._set_attr_default(attrs, "target", "_blank") attrs = self._limit_attr(attrs, { "target": ["_blank", "_self"] }) return attrs def node_embed(self, attrs): attrs = self._common_attr(attrs) attrs = self._get_link(attrs, "src") attrs = self._limit_attr(attrs, { "type": ["application/x-shockwave-flash"], "wmode": ["transparent", "window", "opaque"], "play": ["true", "false"], "loop": ["true", "false"], "menu": ["true", "false"], "allowfullscreen": ["true", "false"] }) attrs["allowscriptaccess"] = "never" attrs["allownetworking"] = "none" return attrs def _true_url(self, url): prog = re.compile(r"^(http|https|ftp)://.+", re.I | re.S) if prog.match(url): return url else: return "http://%s" % url def _true_style(self, style): if style: style = re.sub(r"(\\|&#|/\*|\*/)", "_", style) style = re.sub(r"e.*x.*p.*r.*e.*s.*s.*i.*o.*n", "_", style) return style def _get_style(self, attrs): if "style" in attrs: attrs["style"] = self._true_style(attrs.get("style")) return attrs def _get_link(self, attrs, name): if name in attrs: attrs[name] = self._true_url(attrs[name]) return attrs def _wash_attr(self, attrs, tag): if tag in self.tags_own_attrs: other = self.tags_own_attrs.get(tag) else: other = [] if attrs: for key, value in copy.deepcopy(attrs).items(): if key not in self.common_attrs + other: del attrs[key] return attrs def _common_attr(self, attrs): attrs = self._get_style(attrs) return attrs def _set_attr_default(self, attrs, name, default=''): if name not in attrs: attrs[name] = default return attrs def _limit_attr(self, attrs, limit={}): for (key, value) in limit.items(): if key in attrs and attrs[key] not in value: del attrs[key] return attrs def _htmlspecialchars(self, html): return html.replace("<", "<") \ .replace(">", ">") \ .replace('"', """) \ .replace("'", "'") if "__main__" == __name__: parser = XssHtml() parser.feed("""


""") parser.close() print(parser.getHtml())