#!/bin/sh APP=/app DATA=/data mkdir -p $DATA/log $DATA/ssl $DATA/test_case $DATA/public/upload $DATA/public/avatar $DATA/public/website if [ ! -f "$APP/oj/custom_settings.py" ]; then echo SECRET_KEY=\"$(cat /dev/urandom | head -1 | md5sum | head -c 32)\" >> $APP/oj/custom_settings.py fi if [ ! -f "$DATA/public/avatar/default.png" ]; then cp data/public/avatar/default.png $DATA/public/avatar fi if [ ! -f "$DATA/public/website/favicon.ico" ]; then cp data/public/website/favicon.ico $DATA/public/website fi SSL="$DATA/ssl" if [ ! -f "$SSL/server.key" ]; then openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "$SSL/server.key" -out "$SSL/server.crt" -days 1000 \ -subj "/C=CN/ST=Beijing/L=Beijing/O=Beijing OnlineJudge Technology Co., Ltd./OU=Service Infrastructure Department/CN=`hostname`" -nodes fi cd $APP/deploy/nginx ln -sf locations.conf https_locations.conf if [ -z "$FORCE_HTTPS" ]; then ln -sf locations.conf http_locations.conf else ln -sf https_redirect.conf http_locations.conf fi if [ ! -z "$LOWER_IP_HEADER" ]; then sed -i "s/__IP_HEADER__/\$http_$LOWER_IP_HEADER/g" api_proxy.conf; else sed -i "s/__IP_HEADER__/\$remote_addr/g" api_proxy.conf; fi cd $APP/dist if [ ! -z "$STATIC_CDN_HOST" ]; then find . -name index.html -exec sed -i "s/link href=\/static/link href=\/\/$STATIC_CDN_HOST\/static/g" {} \; find . -name index.html -exec sed -i "s/script type=text\/javascript src=\/static/script type=text\/javascript src=\/\/$STATIC_CDN_HOST\/static/g" {} \; fi cd $APP n=0 while [ $n -lt 5 ] do python manage.py migrate --no-input && python manage.py inituser --username=root --password=rootroot --action=create_super_admin && break n=$(($n+1)) echo "Failed to migrate, going to retry..." sleep 8 done echo "from options.options import SysOptions; SysOptions.judge_server_token='$JUDGE_SERVER_TOKEN'" | python manage.py shell || exit 1 chown -R nobody:nogroup $DATA $APP/dist exec supervisord -c /app/deploy/supervisord.conf