virusdefender c08ec7a2dc 修改 admin 界面,ip 太宽了
monitor 不再使用,配置判题服务器的代码移入 judge_dispatcher 里面



修复比赛 first ac 显示错误的问题


tfa 显示 url

增加 qrcode 依赖


fix error package name and add pip mirrorwq

废弃 huey,多数据库连接的时候存在 connection 无法释放的问题,回到 celery

修复 huey 队列不会释放数据库连接的问题,是用法不对

增加关闭两步验证的 api


完善 sso 登录部分





Squash from a1fff74 to 12f96c6 by virusdefender
2015-12-23 00:33:08 +08:00

208 lines
5.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements two-step verification of HOTP/TOTP.
:copyright: (c) 2013 - 2015 by Hsiaoming Yang.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
import time
import hmac
import base64
import struct
import hashlib
import warnings
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
PY2 = False
string_type = str
PY2 = True
string_type = unicode
range = xrange
__author__ = 'Hsiaoming Yang <>'
__homepage__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0.1'
__all__ = ['OtpAuth', 'HOTP', 'TOTP', 'generate_hotp', 'generate_totp']
HOTP = 'hotp'
TOTP = 'totp'
class OtpAuth(object):
"""One Time Password Authentication.
:param secret: A secret token for the authentication.
def __init__(self, secret):
self.secret = secret
def hotp(self, counter=4):
"""Generate a HOTP code.
:param counter: HOTP is a counter based algorithm.
return generate_hotp(self.secret, counter)
def totp(self, period=30, timestamp=None):
"""Generate a TOTP code.
A TOTP code is an extension of HOTP algorithm.
:param period: A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
:param timestamp: Create TOTP at this given timestamp
return generate_totp(self.secret, period, timestamp)
def valid_hotp(self, code, last=0, trials=100):
"""Valid a HOTP code.
:param code: A number that is less than 6 characters.
:param last: Guess HOTP code from last + 1 range.
:param trials: Guest HOTP code end at last + trials + 1.
if not valid_code(code):
return False
code = bytes(int(code))
for i in range(last + 1, last + trials + 1):
if compare_digest(bytes(self.hotp(counter=i)), code):
return i
return False
def valid_totp(self, code, period=30, timestamp=None):
"""Valid a TOTP code.
:param code: A number that is less than 6 characters.
:param period: A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
:param timestamp: Validate TOTP at this given timestamp
if not valid_code(code):
return False
return compare_digest(
bytes(self.totp(period, timestamp)),
def encoded_secret(self):
secret = base64.b32encode(to_bytes(self.secret))
# bytes to string
secret = secret.decode('utf-8')
# remove pad string
return secret.strip('=')
def to_uri(self, type, label, issuer, counter=None):
"""Generate the otpauth protocal string.
:param type: Algorithm type, hotp or totp.
:param label: Label of the identifier.
:param issuer: The company, the organization or something else.
:param counter: Counter of the HOTP algorithm.
type = type.lower()
if type not in ('hotp', 'totp'):
raise ValueError('type must be hotp or totp')
if type == 'hotp' and not counter:
raise ValueError('HOTP type authentication need counter')
url = ('otpauth://%(type)s/%(label)s?secret=%(secret)s'
dct = dict(
type=type, label=label, issuer=issuer,
secret=self.encoded_secret, counter=counter
ret = url % dct
if type == 'hotp':
ret = '%s&counter=%s' % (ret, counter)
return ret
def to_google(self, type, label, issuer, counter=None):
"""Generate the otpauth protocal string for Google Authenticator.
.. deprecated:: 0.2.0
Use :func:`to_uri` instead.
warnings.warn('deprecated, use to_uri instead', DeprecationWarning)
return self.to_uri(type, label, issuer, counter)
def generate_hotp(secret, counter=4):
"""Generate a HOTP code.
:param secret: A secret token for the authentication.
:param counter: HOTP is a counter based algorithm.
msg = struct.pack('>Q', counter)
digest =, msg, hashlib.sha1).digest()
ob = digest[19]
if PY2:
ob = ord(ob)
pos = ob & 15
base = struct.unpack('>I', digest[pos:pos + 4])[0] & 0x7fffffff
token = base % 1000000
return token
def generate_totp(secret, period=30, timestamp=None):
"""Generate a TOTP code.
A TOTP code is an extension of HOTP algorithm.
:param secret: A secret token for the authentication.
:param period: A period that a TOTP code is valid in seconds
:param timestamp: Current time stamp.
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = time.time()
counter = int(timestamp) // period
return generate_hotp(secret, counter)
def to_bytes(text):
if isinstance(text, string_type):
# Python3 str -> bytes
# Python2 unicode -> str
text = text.encode('utf-8')
return text
def valid_code(code):
code = string_type(code)
return code.isdigit() and len(code) <= 6
def compare_digest(a, b):
func = getattr(hmac, 'compare_digest', None)
if func:
return func(a, b)
# fallback
if len(a) != len(b):
return False
rv = 0
if PY2:
from itertools import izip
for x, y in izip(a, b):
rv |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
for x, y in zip(a, b):
rv |= x ^ y
return rv == 0