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# Meteor Addon Template
A template to allow easy usage of the Meteor Addon API.
### How to use
- Clone this project
- Use this template to create new modules/commands
- Build the executable using the gradle `build` task.
- Run the mod with Meteor.
### Project structure
│── .github
│ ╰── workflows
│ │── dev_build.yml
│ ╰── pull_request.yml
│── gradle
│ ╰── wrapper
│ │── gradle-wrapper.jar
│ ╰──
│── src
│ ╰── main
│ │── java
│ │ ╰── com
│ │ ╰── example
│ │ ╰── addon
│ │ │── commands
│ │ │ ╰── CommandExample
│ │ │── hud
│ │ │ ╰── HudExample
│ │ │── modules
│ │ │ ╰── ModuleExample
│ │ ╰── AddonTemplate
│ ╰── resources
│ │── assets
│ │ ╰── template
│ │ ╰── icon.png
│ │── addon-template.mixins.json
│ ╰── fabric.mod.json
│── .editorconfig
│── .gitignore
│── build.gradle
│── gradlew
│── gradlew.bat
╰── settings.gradle
This is the default project structure. Each folder/file has a specific purpose.
Here is a brief explanation of the ones you might need to modify:
- `.github/workflows`: Contains the GitHub Actions configuration files.
- `gradle`: Contains the Gradle wrapper files.
Edit the `` file to change the version of the Gradle wrapper.
- `src/main/java/com/example/addon`: Contains the main class of the addon.
Here you can register your custom commands, modules, and HUDs.
Edit the `getPackage` method to reflect the package of your addon.
- `src/main/resources`: Contains the resources of the addon.
- `assets`: Contains the assets of the addon.
You can add your own assets here, separated in subfolders.
- `template`: Contains the assets of the template.
You can replace the `icon.png` file with your own addon icon.
Also, rename this folder to reflect the name of your addon.
- `addon-template.mixins.json`: Contains the Mixin configuration for the addon.
You can add your own mixins in the `client` array.
- `fabric.mod.json`: Contains the metadata of the addon.
Edit the various fields to reflect the metadata of your addon.
- `build.gradle`: Contains the Gradle build script.
You can manage the dependencies of the addon here.
Remember to keep the `fabric-loom` version up-to-date.
- ``: Contains the properties of the Gradle build.
These will be used by the build script.
- `LICENSE`: Contains the license of the addon.
You can edit this file to change the license of your addon.
- ``: Contains the documentation of the addon.
You can edit this file to reflect the documentation of your addon, and showcase its features.